







[[file:./2019-12-19-physics-dwaveRF/p-WaveSinglePole.f90][fortran code download]]

! ==============================================================================
! program  : pWaveSinglePole
! version  : 02-Dec-2019
! author   : Zeqing Wang
! purpose  : calculate the RF spectrum of p-wave sue single pole approximation 
! reference: 
! ==============================================================================

! ==============================================================================
! program  : param
! type     : module
! version  : 05-Dec-2019
! purpose  : set the precision
! comment  : 
! ==============================================================================
module prec
  implicit none
  integer, parameter :: rkind=16   ! the precision
end module prec
! ==============================================================================

! ==============================================================================
! program  : param
! type     : module
! version  : 05-Dec-2019
! purpose  : set the precision
! comment  : 
! ==============================================================================
module param
  use prec
  implicit none
  real(kind=rkind), parameter :: pi=acos(-1.0_rkind)
  real(kind=rkind), parameter :: beta=1_rkind, mu=-1_rkind, rkv=&
       &-1.0_rkind, rp=1.0/30.0
  real(kind=rkind), parameter :: phi_k=0.0 ! phi_k 是无关的量, 不影响结果
end module param
! ==============================================================================

! ==============================================================================
! program  : pWavesinglePole
! type     : program
! version  : 19-Dec-2019
! comment  : the main program
! ==============================================================================
program pWaveSinglePole
  use prec
  use param
  implicit none

  integer, parameter :: dim=50 ! 画图取点的个数
  integer :: i                  ! 循环变量
  real(kind=rkind) :: x(dim) ,y(dim)    ! 纵坐标
  real(kind=rkind) :: sigma, spectrum_k_thetak ! 画图用到的函数
  real(kind=rkind) :: k=2.0, theta_k = pi/2 ! 给定 k 和 theta_k 画图
  real(kind=rkind) :: start, end        ! 用于计时的变量

     function linspace(a, b, dim) result(list)
       use prec
       integer :: dim
       real(kind=rkind) :: a, b, list(dim)
     end function linspace
  end interface

  ! 计时开始
  call cpu_time(start)
  x = linspace(-20.0_rkind, 10.0_rkind, dim)
!  x = linspace(0.0_rkind, pi, dim)
  do i = 1, dim
          y(i) = sigma(x(i), k, theta_k)
     !     y(i) = spectrum_k_thetak(x(i), k, theta_k)
     print *, 'calculating...', i, 'of', dim
  end do

  ! 计时结束
  call cpu_time(end)
  print *, 'calculate finish! time is ', end - start, 'seconds'

  ! 将数据保存到文件, 用于画图
  open(1, file='./data/datax.csv')
  write(1, *) x
  open(2, file='./data/datay.csv')
  write(2, *) y
  print *, 'save data finish!'  
end program pWaveSinglePole

! ==============================================================================

! ==============================================================================
! program  : spectrum
! type     : function
! version  : 19-Dec-2019
! purpose  : calculate spectrum function
! comment  : 还是只有虚部
! ==============================================================================
function spectrum_k_thetak(omega, k, theta_k)
  use prec
  use param
  implicit none

  real(kind=rkind) :: omega, k, theta_k
  real(kind=rkind) :: spectrum_k_thetak
  real(kind=rkind) :: sigma, sigma_real, sigma_imag
  sigma_imag = sigma(omega, k, theta_k)
!  print *, sigma_imag
  sigma_real = 0.0_rkind

  spectrum_k_thetak = -2*sigma_imag / ((omega - k**2 - sigma_real)**2 +&
       & sigma_imag**2) 
end function spectrum_k_thetak
! ==============================================================================

! ==============================================================================
! program  : sigma
! type     : function
! version  : 18-Dec-2019
! purpose  : calculate self energy
! comment  : 积掉 phi_q . 还是只有虚部
! ==============================================================================
function sigma(omega, k, theta_k)
  use prec
  use param
  implicit none

  real(kind=rkind) :: sigma

  real(kind=rkind) :: omega, k, theta_k, theta_q, phi_q

  real(kind=rkind) :: gaussQuad, r1, r2, x, cos_theta_kq, deltapart
  integer, parameter :: n=50

  ! 将没有积掉 phi_q 时的自能接口进来
     function sigma_phiq(omega, k, theta_k, phi_q)
       use prec
       implicit none
       real(kind=rkind) :: omega, k, theta_k, phi_q
       real(kind=rkind) :: sigma_phiq
     end function sigma_phiq
  end interface
  sigma = gaussQuad(fun, 0.0_rkind, 50.0_rkind, n)

  function fun(phi_q)
    use prec
    implicit none
    real(kind=rkind) :: phi_q, fun
    fun = sigma_phiq(omega, k, theta_k, phi_q)
  end function fun
end function sigma
! ==============================================================================

! ==============================================================================
! program  : sigma_phiq
! type     : function
! version  : 18-Dec-2019
! purpose  : calculate self energy
! comment  : 这里把 q 积掉了, 还乘下 theta_q, phi_q 没有积
!            再积掉 theta_q, 还乘下 phi_q 没有积
! ==============================================================================
function sigma_phiq(omega, k, theta_k, phi_q)
  use prec
  use param
  implicit none

  real(kind=rkind) :: omega, k, theta_k, theta_q, phi_q
  real(kind=rkind) :: sigma_phiq, sp
  real(kind=rkind) :: gaussQuad, r1, r2, x, cos_theta_kq, deltapart
  integer, parameter :: n=50

  ! 将没有积掉 theta_q 时的自能接口进来
     function sigma_thetaq_phiq(omega, k, theta_k, theta_q, phi_q)
       use prec
       implicit none
       real(kind=rkind) :: omega, k, theta_k, theta_q, phi_q
       real(kind=rkind) :: sigma_thetaq_phiq
     end function sigma_thetaq_phiq
  end interface
  sigma_phiq = gaussQuad(fun, 0.0_rkind, 50.0_rkind, n)

  ! 将没有积掉 theta_q 的自能定义成一个 theta_q 的函数
  function fun(theta_q)
    use prec
    implicit none
    real(kind=rkind) :: theta_q, fun
    fun = sigma_thetaq_phiq(omega, k, theta_k, theta_q, phi_q)
  end function fun
end function sigma_phiq
! ==============================================================================

! ==============================================================================
! program  : sigma_thetaq_phiq
! type     : function
! version  : 18-Dec-2019
! purpose  : calculate self energy
! comment  : 这里把 q 积掉了, 还乘下 theta_q, phi_q 没有积
! ==============================================================================
function sigma_thetaq_phiq(omega, k, theta_k, theta_q, phi_q)
  use prec
  use param
  implicit none

  real(kind=rkind) :: omega, k, theta_k, theta_q, phi_q
  real(kind=rkind) :: sigma_thetaq_phiq, sp
  real(kind=rkind) :: cauthyGaussQuad, r1, r2, x, cos_theta_kq, deltapart
  real(kind=rkind) :: delta ! b^2 - 4*a*c

  ! 将没有积掉 q 时的自能接口进来
     function numerator_of_sigma(omega, k, q, theta_k,  theta_q, phi_q)
       use prec
       implicit none
       real(kind=rkind) :: omega, k, q, theta_k,  theta_q, phi_q
       real(kind=rkind) :: numerator_of_sigma
     end function numerator_of_sigma
  end interface
  x = cos_theta_kq(theta_k, theta_q, phi_k, phi_q)
!  x=0
  delta = 4*k**2*x**2 - 2*(omega + k**2 +mu + rkv)
  if (delta .gt. 0.0_rkind) then
     r1 = 2*k*x - sqrt(delta)
     r2 = 2*k*x + sqrt(delta)
     sigma_thetaq_phiq = deltapart(fun, r1, r2) ! 计算出虚部
     sigma_thetaq_phiq = 0      ! 计算出虚部
  end if

  ! 将没有积掉 q 的自能定义成一个 q 的函数(便于计算虚部, 去掉了分母)
  function fun(q)
    use prec
    implicit none
    real(kind=rkind) :: q, fun
    fun = numerator_of_sigma(omega, k, q, theta_k,  theta_q, phi_q)
  end function fun
end function sigma_thetaq_phiq
! ==============================================================================

! ==============================================================================
! program  : sigma_q_thetaq_phiq
! type     : function
! version  : 05-Dec-2019
! purpose  : calculate self energy
! comment  : 这里有三个待积变量, q, theta_q, phi_q
! ==============================================================================
function sigma_q_thetaq_phiq(omega, k, q, theta_k,  theta_q, phi_q)
  use prec
  use param
  implicit none

  real(kind=rkind) ::  omega, k, theta_k, q, theta_q, phi_q
!  real(kind=rkind) :: phi_k=0_rkind
  real(kind=rkind) :: real, imag
  real(kind=rkind) :: sigma_q_thetaq_phiq
  real(kind=rkind) :: kp2       !square of k'
  real(kind=rkind) :: cos_theta_kq, bose, cos_theta_kprime, sylm10

  kp2 = 4*k**2 + q**2 - 4*k*q*cos_theta_kq(theta_k, theta_q, phi_k, phi_q) !k'^2

  sigma_q_thetaq_phiq = bose(k**2 + q**2 - 2*cos_theta_kq(theta_k, theta_q, phi_k&
                      &, phi_q) - mu, beta)&
                      & - bose(q**2/2 - 2*mu - rkv, beta)
  sigma_q_thetaq_phiq = sigma_q_thetaq_phiq / (omega + k**2 + q**2/2 -2*k*q&
                      &*cos_theta_kq(theta_k, theta_q, phi_k, phi_q) + mu +&
                      & rkv)
  sigma_q_thetaq_phiq = sigma_q_thetaq_phiq * q**2 * kp2 * sin(theta_q) *&
       & sylm10(cos_theta_kprime(k, q, cos_theta_kq(theta_k, theta_q, phi_k,&
       & phi_q))) * rp * 2 / (pi**2)
end function sigma_q_thetaq_phiq
! ==============================================================================

! ==============================================================================
! program  : numerator_of_sigma
! type     : function
! version  : 24-Dec-2019
! purpose  : calculate self energy
! comment  : 这里有三个待积变量, q, theta_q, phi_q
!            function sigma_q_thetaq_phiq 去掉分母, 用于计算虚部
! ==============================================================================
function numerator_of_sigma(omega, k, q, theta_k,  theta_q, phi_q)
  use prec
  use param
  implicit none

  real(kind=rkind) ::  omega, k, theta_k, q, theta_q, phi_q
!  real(kind=rkind) :: phi_k=0_rkind
  real(kind=rkind) :: real, imag
  real(kind=rkind) :: numerator_of_sigma
  real(kind=rkind) :: kp2       !square of k'
  real(kind=rkind) :: cos_theta_kq, bose, cos_theta_kprime, sylm10

  kp2 = k**2 + q**2/4 - k*q*cos_theta_kq(theta_k, theta_q, phi_k, phi_q) !k'^2

  numerator_of_sigma = bose(k**2 + q**2 - 2*cos_theta_kq(theta_k, theta_q, phi_k&
                      &, phi_q) - mu, beta)&
                      & - bose(q**2/2 - 2*mu - rkv, beta)

  numerator_of_sigma = numerator_of_sigma * q**2 * kp2  * sin(theta_q) *&
        & sylm10(cos_theta_kprime(k, q, cos_theta_kq(theta_k, theta_q, phi_k,&
        & phi_q))) * rp * 2 / (pi**2)
end function numerator_of_sigma
! ==============================================================================

! ==============================================================================
! program  : cos_theta_kprime
! type     : function
! version  : 05-Dec-2019
! purpose  : known k, q, and the angle between k and q, calculate cos(k'),
!            where k' is the angle between k and -k+q
! comment  : 
! ==============================================================================
function cos_theta_kprime(k, q, cos_theta_kq)
  use prec
  implicit none

  real(kind=rkind), intent(in) :: k, q, cos_theta_kq
  real(kind=rkind) :: cos_theta_kprime

  cos_theta_kprime =  (2*k*q*cos_theta_kq - 2*k**2) / (2*k*sqrt(k**2 + q**2 -&
       & 2*k*q*cos_theta_kq))   
end function cos_theta_kprime
! ==============================================================================

! ==============================================================================
! program  : cos_theta_kq
! type     : function
! version  : 05-Dec-2019
! purpose  : known theta_k, theta_q, phi_k, phi_q, calculate the cosine of
!            angle between k and q
! comment  : 
! ==============================================================================
function cos_theta_kq(theta_k, theta_q, phi_k, phi_q)
  use prec
  implicit none

  real(kind=rkind), intent(in) :: theta_k, theta_q, phi_k, phi_q
  real(kind=rkind) :: cos_theta_kq

  cos_theta_kq = sin(theta_k)*sin(theta_q)*cos(phi_k - phi_q) + cos(theta_k)&
end function cos_theta_kq
! ==============================================================================

! ==============================================================================
! program  : bose
! type     : function
! version  : 05-Dec-2019
! purpose  : Bose-Einstein function
! comment  : n(x, beta) = 1 / (e^(beta*x) - 1)
!            beta: 1/Temperature  x: energy
! ==============================================================================
function bose(energy, beta)
  use prec
  implicit none

  real(kind=rkind), intent(in) :: energy, beta
  real(kind=rkind) :: bose
  if (energy .lt. 0.0_rkind) then
     print *, '=======Energy is negtive, Unphysical!======'
  end if

  bose = exp(-beta*energy) / (1 - exp(- beta*energy))
end function bose
! ==============================================================================

! ==============================================================================
! program  : sylm10
! type     : function
! version  : 05-Dec-2019
! purpose  : square of spherical harmonica function
! comment  : |Y_l=1 m=0(x)|^2
! ==============================================================================
function sylm10(x)
  use prec
  use param
  implicit none

  real(kind=rkind), intent(in) :: x
  real(kind=rkind) :: sylm10

  sylm10 = 3/(4*pi) * cos(x)**2
end function sylm10
! ==============================================================================

! ==============================================================================
! program  : cauthyGaussQuad
! type     : function
! version  : 05-Dec-2019
! purpose  : calculate the cauthy principal value integral of function "fun"
!            from a to b with singlarity sp
! comment  : 
! ==============================================================================
function cauthyGaussQuad(fun, a, b, n, sp)
  use prec
  implicit none

  integer, intent(in) :: n
  real(kind=rkind), intent(in) :: a, b, sp

  ! 被积函数接口
     function fun(x)
       use prec
       implicit none
       real(kind=rkind) :: x, fun
     end function fun
  end interface
  integer :: j
  real(kind=rkind) :: cauthyGaussQuad, diffa, diffb, ff, sgq1, sgq2, gaussQuad

  diffa = sp - a
  diffb = b - sp

! 计算积分
  if (diffa .lt. diffb) then
     sgq1 = gaussQuad(ffun, 0.0_rkind, sp-a, n)
     sgq2 = gaussQuad(fun, 2*sp-a, b, n)
     sgq1 = gaussQuad(ffun, 0.0_rkind, b-sp, n)
     sgq2 = gaussQuad(fun, a, 2*sp-b, n)
  end if

  cauthyGaussQuad = sgq1 + sgq2
  function ffun(t)
    use prec
    implicit none
    real(kind=rkind) :: t, ffun
    ffun = fun(t+sp) + fun(-t+sp)
  end function ffun
end function cauthyGaussQuad
! ==============================================================================

! ==============================================================================
! program  : gaussQuad
! type     : function
! version  : 03-Dec-2019
! purpose  : calculate the integral of function "fun" from a to b
! comment  : 
! ==============================================================================
function gaussQuad(fun, a, b, n)
  use prec
  implicit none

  integer, intent(in) :: n
  real(kind=rkind), intent(in) :: a, b

  ! 被积函数接口
     function fun(x)
       use prec
       implicit none
       real(kind=rkind) :: x, fun
     end function fun
  end interface
  integer :: j
  real(kind=rkind) :: gaussQuad, r(2, n), fxi(n)

  ! 根与权重接口
     function node_weight(n) result(r)
       use prec
       implicit none
       integer :: n
       real(kind=rkind) :: r(2, n)
     end function node_weight
  end interface

  ! 计算积分
  r = node_weight(n)
  do j = 1, n
     fxi(j) = fun((r(1, j)*(b - a) + a + b) / 2)
  end do
  gaussQuad = dot_product(r(2, :), fxi)
  gaussQuad = gaussQuad * (b - a) / 2
end function gaussQuad
! ==============================================================================

! ==============================================================================
! program  : node_weight
! type     : function
! version  : 02-Dec-2019
! purpose  : calculate the root of n-order Legendre polynomial, and weight
! comment  : use the method in reference
! ==============================================================================
function node_weight(n) result(r)
  use prec
  implicit none
  integer :: n, i, iter, k
  real(kind=rkind) :: r(2, n), x, f, df, dx
  real(kind=rkind), parameter :: pi = acos(-1._rkind)
  real(kind=rkind), allocatable :: p0(:), p1(:)
  real(kind=rkind), allocatable :: tmp(:)

  ! 利用递推公式求 n 阶 Legendre 多项式的系数, 幂次从高到低排列, 结果就是数组 p1 
  p0 = [1.0_rkind]
  p1 = [1._rkind, 0._rkind]
  do i = 2, n
     tmp = ((2*i - 1)*[p1, 0._rkind] - (i - 1)*[0._rkind, 0._rkind, p0]) / i
     p0 = p1; p1 = tmp
  end do
  ! 这个函数将 n 阶的情况的 根存在 r(1,:) 中, 权重存在 r(2, :) 中
  do i = 1, n
     x = cos(pi*(i - .25_rkind) / (n + .5_rkind))
     do iter = 1, 10
        f = p1(1); df = 0._rkind
        do k = 2, size(p1)
           df = f + x*df        ! 得到的是 P_n'(x_0) 的值
           f = p1(k) + x*f      ! 得到的是 P_n(x_0) 的值
        end do
        dx = f/df
        x = x - dx
        if (abs(dx)<10*epsilon(dx)) exit
     end do
     r(1, i) = x
     r(2, i) = 2/((1 - x**2)*df**2)
  end do
end function node_weight
! ==============================================================================

! ==============================================================================
! program  : linspace
! type     : function
! version  : 19-Dec-2019
! purpose  : similar to 'numpy.linspace' in python
! comment  : 
! ==============================================================================
function linspace(a, b, dim) result(list)
  use prec
  implicit none

  real(kind=rkind) :: a, b
  integer :: dim
  real(kind=rkind) :: list(dim)
  integer :: i
  real(kind=rkind) :: diff

  do i = 1, dim
     list(i) = i - 1            ! i-1 instead of i, in order to be the same as
                                ! numpy.linspace 
  end do

  diff = b - a
  list = a + list * diff/dim
end function linspace
! ==============================================================================

! ==============================================================================
! program  : deltapart
! type     : function
! version  : 18-Dec-2019
! purpose  : get the delta part of  \int_0 ^\inf f(x) / ((x-r1)(x-r2) + i0) dx
! comment  : the result is -pi * (f(r1) - f(r2)) / (r1 - r2)
!            注意, 这个程序没有得到验证!
! ==============================================================================
function deltapart(fun, r1, r2)
  use prec
  use param
  implicit none
  real(kind=rkind) :: r1, r2, deltapart
    ! 函数 f(x) 的接口
     function fun(x)
       use prec
       implicit none
       real(kind=rkind) :: x, fun
     end function fun
  end interface

  if ((r1 .lt. 0) .and. (r2 .lt. 0)) then ! 两个根都小于零, 没有虚部
     deltapart = 0
     ! print *, 'no root'
  else if (r1 .lt. 0) then          ! r1<0, r1>0, 取 r2
     deltapart = pi * fun(r2) / (r1-r2)
     ! print *, 'root2'
     ! print *, fun(r2)
  else if (r2 .lt. 0) then          ! r1<0, r2>0, 取 r1
     deltapart = -pi * fun(r1)  / (r1-r2)
     ! print *, 'root1'
  else                          ! 两个根都大于0
     deltapart = -pi * (fun(r1) - fun(r2)) / (r1-r2)
     ! print *, '2 roots'
  end if
end function deltapart
! ==============================================================================